As with all projects of the Theiss Center, the foundation of the Pittsburgh Early Attachment & Relationships Project (PEAR) is providing evidence-based treatments to young children (ages 0-5) while also training the larger early childhood workforce in best practices informed by current knowledge in the field. The PEAR Project will also develop Infant and Early Childhood Consultation services to support other child-serving agencies, from preschools to other educational entities, with real-time support for professionals working directly with young children.
For over fifty years, the Theiss Center has provided services for young children and their families in the local community. These services have grown as community needs have changed, and today include a series of offerings led from our new South Side facility, located on East Carson Street since 2023, and two other Pittsburgh-area sites.
The PEAR Project provides training in evidence-based treatments to Early Childhood clinicians within UPMC; free training in topics like attachment and trauma-informed care to other professionals in the early childhood community; and collaboration with the Infant Mental Health Certificate program at the Pitt School of Education.
The PEAR Project seeks to expand the impact of our work through shared knowledge and best-practice advice directly benefiting children and families through their caregivers, educators and other professional supports.